Welcome new students to the Newman Centre Guelph, the home of the Catholic community at the University of Guelph. Our chaplaincy team includes, Fr. Mark, our chaplain, and Ania, our campus minister, as well as Stephen, our music director. We hold weekly Masses and dinners in person as well as a Grad Group and an online discuss group called Answers With Ania and a Discipleship Group. Our students belong to the University Catholic Community (UCC), the Catholic club on campus, which holds its own events including online faith studies. The president is Emily Alzaidi Zheng.
The UCC invites to join an online orientation event on Tuesday, September 8th at 6:30pm. Click here for the details.
The Newman Centre invites you to an outdoor Mass and BBQ on Thursday, September 10th starting at 4:30pm. The address is 325 Gordon Street, at the corner of Dean Avenue. Be assured that we will be following all public health protocols. So please bring a mask. Guided tours of the Newman Centre will also be available. We look forward to meeting you in person.
In the meantime, check out this video made by students to welcome you and introduce you to our community:
If you would like more information about Answers With Ania and Discipleship Group, please send an e-mail to: ania@newmancentreguelph.ca
If you would like more information about Grad Group, please send an e-mail to: fr.mark@newmancentreguelph.ca
If you would like more information about Faith Studies, please send an e-mail to: faithstudies@newmancentreguelph.ca
If you would like to be added to our community weekly e-mail distribution list or learn more about the UCC, please send an e-mail to: ucc@newmancentreguelph.ca
All our Newman Centre events are posted on our Facebook page.
All the UCC activities are posted on their Facebook page.